Friday, April 24, 2015


By the authority given me by Christ Jesus, I am the supreme ruling Governor of the world now and until His return.  I command your obedience and to be treated with respect.  I am new to this position; I ask your patience.  There may be times when I post in  my blog or tweet.  It is your responsibility to check both for changes and updates.

Here is the address for my blog:

Here is the address for my Twitter account: FullerRegina

I appreciate your cooperation!  I made a slight change to the post titled, Attention Everyone!, see the commandment regarding the Tribe of Judah.

In His service signed,

Regina Fuller

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Attention Everyone!

The word of the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob (Israel) says that in the last days the sceptre (legal authority to rule) will not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver (someone who enacts laws or Governor) from between his feet, until Shiloh (Messiah) come.  It is unto him, the one who holds the sceptre, will the gathering of the people be. -- (Genesis 49:1, 10) KJV

We are now in the last days and as a descendant of Judah, I Regina Fuller, lay claim to the sceptre according to verse 10 of Genesis chapter 49.  Also, in accordance with verse 10 of Genesis chapter 49, the Lord Jesus Christ has conferred His authority upon me to rule in these last days until He returns or the men of Judah who are unmarried (virgin and/or abstinence from both marriage and sex) believers in Christ Jesus lay claim to the sceptre whichever one comes first.

I command every power under heaven, military, and police force to submit to the authority given me by Christ Jesus.

I command every power under heaven, military, and police force to protect and provide for the needs of the Tribe of Judah (including African Americans) who are unmarried (virgin and/or abstinence from both marriage and sex) believers in Christ Jesus wherever they are scattered in the world.

I command every power under heaven, military, and police force to protect and provide for the needs of the other eleven Tribes of Israel who are unmarried (virgin and/or abstinence from both marriage and sex) believers in Christ Jesus wherever they are scattered in the world.

Everything contained in this proclamation is to be done effective immediately.

If every power under heaven, military, and police force do not submit to my authority, it will be considered an act of rebellion, defiance, and disobedience.  So for that, you will be punished.  This proclamation serves as legal notice to the people according to the word of God (Genesis 49:1, 10) and in the name of Jesus Christ.

All glory to the most high God and His Majesty, Jesus Christ.  Read (Genesis 49:1, 8-12) KJV.

In His service signed,

Regina Fuller

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What Shapes Your Mind?

Your mind acts like an empty computer.  When you buy a computer, it is an empty receptacle ready to receive data to be programmed into it.  Once it has been programmed, the programs will tell or command the computer on what to do and the computer will execute or obey those commands otherwise it is reprogrammed.  The computer is expected to do as it is commanded to do.  Those programs acts like a master and the computer acts like a slave.  The data fed into it are the programs.

What is data?  Data is the plural for datum.  Datum is a piece of information or code.  Code is a system for communication.  That communication can take any form that enters through your senses and then to your mind.  Once it gets to your mind, it takes over and begins to control you.  You will need to head it off at the pass, i.e., your senses.  What are your senses?  Your senses are what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.  So then, code is used to communicate a piece of information to your mind through your senses, i.e., what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.  Code is used to communicate a message or messages to your mind.  In other words, your mind is being programmed to obey the message being communicated to it.  Everything in media is programming.  Food is programming.  Anything communicated to your senses is programming.  Everything around you that communicates a message is programming.  Even your relationships can be used to program your thinking.  These things are what shapes your mind.  It shapes how you think, what you believe, which in turn shapes how you behave just like a computer executing the commands the programs tell it to execute.  Just like the computer is a slave to obey those programs, people become enslaved to obey the messages communicated to them through the media, food, relationships, and the environment around them.  Your mind becomes the battlefield for attack from the enemy who can slip in code subliminally.

What can you do about it?  Because data can be used to attack your mind,  you will need to guard against attack.  But, how?  Your five senses are gateways to your mind through which the enemy can come in to takeover and control your mind.  The way to protect your mind is to protect the gateways to the mind.  You will need to control your senses.  In biblical times, a gate with high walls was built around a city with only one way in and out of that city.  A guard was put on that gate to watch for intruders.  Your mind is the city.  Your senses are the gates.  You will need to act as the guard to watch for intruding code.  The gates that need immediate protection is your eye, ear, and hand gates.  Even though it is technically not a gate, it should be treated as one and that is your mouth.  So, you will need to guard what you see, hear, touch, and say, in order to protect your mind.  How does the mouth effect your mind?  The tongue has the power of life and death in it (see Proverbs 18:21).  The words you speak are creative.  They can create life to you or death to you depending on what you say about yourself or depending on the words you speak over your life.  For example, if you say, I feel sick.  Do not be surprised if you actually become sick.  Your words can speak things into existence.  So, be careful what you say over your life.  I hope you find this post helpful.  May God bless you!